About Peter Henson, an Entrepreneur and Blogger

Greetings from Peter Henson, the creator of MindsBizz blog! At MindsBizz, we curate top-notch technology articles and product reviews tailored to our audience’s interests.

Our aim is to craft engaging and informative pieces that effortlessly acquaint our readers with the latest advancements. Each article is meticulously selected by our editors, ensuring the highest quality content for our visitors.

Here’s what you can expect to find on MindsBizz.com:

  • Technology Articles
  • Product Reviews
  • How-To Guides
  • Apps & Computer Insights
  • Tailored Content Based on Audience Demand

If you have any inquiries or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us at admin@mindsbizz.com. We’re here to assist you!

  1. Hi Henson,
    I just happened to be here thru one of my blog friends’ page and its really good to be here, I am so glad to meet yet another Indian blogger that too is younger than my youngest son πŸ™‚
    I am so thrilled or amazed to read your wonderful story here as well as the wonderful interview at Olamosh’s page.
    My dear friend you did a wonderful job thru your motivation and hardwork,
    I really appreciate you for achieving such a position at this young age,
    May the God give you more wisdom and knowledge in your future endeavors,
    Keep it up my dear blog friend
    Keep informed
    Best Regards
    Will surely come again to read more here.

  2. Hello Sir
    Congratulations Sir on the release on ur new ebook.. u r d inspiration fr one n all nd a live example to everyone that there is no age limit to be successful….Its just d talent u need…!!!!!Ur book is of great use to all bloggers..All d Vry Best

  3. Peter, Congrats to you. Lovely that you have shared your story to help & inspire all!
    Keep up the good work!
    Best wishes!

    It’ll be wonderful if you could visit my Blog & let me know your views.
    I haven’t activated AdSense. What do you suggest?
    Looking forward to your valuable feedback.
    Twitter- @anitaexplorer

  4. awe inspiring. I was randomly searching something and there I got the link of your blog. I was amazed with my jaws apart that how come a 12 year old boy can be so successful. it’s amazing brother. πŸ™‚

  5. Hi, Henson. It feels great that a 12 year young boy has achieved so much and growing exponentially day by day. I hope you will never stop in your life. You will be the inspiration for many children and hope they take it as a challenge to grow in their life. Happy blogging.

  6. its really great to see that a 12 year old young individual achieved such highness. Keep going Peter, thrs lot more to go.
    I wish you all the very best.

  7. Yes Peter, I am proud of you that you are of Berhampore has gained much success by only your strong wisdom . I hope , when you will enter to your professional age , you will be one of the world mo 1 blogger .

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N

  8. Hi Peter
    Wonderful page with the most impressive image. I am much impressed to hear your success story so far and obviously you have a long way to go.

    I also appreciate the very very professional touch of your blog template. Big congrats for such a wonderful makeover.

  9. Hi Peter,

    Keep up the inspired work!

    Seeing your star rise at such a young age has motivated me to turn it up a few notches.

    I agree with Mi; this is just the beginning. Keep it up, you neophyte πŸ™‚

    Well done!


  10. You rock bro. Really inspired by you.
    A 12 year old boy, who is among top Indian Internet Marketers, just WOW.
    Keep working. All the best.

  11. Hi Peter, I have checked it now,,, Nice site structure you have made now. however i have wondered about your age you are 2002 born boy and doing such great things and have very good knowledge of internet marketing. That’s enough cool for me cause when I was 13 years old I didn’t know how to use Internet :p . but well you are doing so well and wish you create the value as you want.

  12. Glad to see your Blog.
    I am impressed with the quality of your articles and at very small age you have achieved so Much.

    Congrats bro and Keep it UP:)

    May the blessings of almighty be always upon You

  13. Wow what a wonderful journey. You are truly an inspiration to new blogger. Thanks for sharing and motivating us.

    May the force be with you πŸ˜€

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