How to Convert PDF To Word File

This articles shows you step-by-step to convert pdf to word file.

Along with lots of advantages that the PDF (Portable Document Format) has, it has also got a major drawback. If it’s an editable and short PDF file then we may ignore it.

While non-editable PDF format suffers a lot while getting it converted into a Word or DOC file. In simple words, editable formats are those from which we can copy and paste the content of the PDF. In contrast to that we cannot do the same with the non- editable one.

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Convert PDF to Word File


With the advancement of technology, humans have come up with numerous solutions to such issues. But full perfection is never so easy. Following are some famous methods of converting PDF to Word file.


It is the earliest method of typing the whole content of PDF into a DOC file. It is heavily time-consuming and not practiced anymore.


Only applicable to Editable PDF format where one copies the content and paste it in DOC file.


A very famous method where one can find various websites allowing free or paid conversion of PDF into DOC file. The major drawback here is the tedious process of registration one has to go through before uploading the PDF file and finally you end up creating two duplicate copies of the same web page unknowingly.


It more or less works similar to online converters. The only exception it has been that it won’t need the internet to return you the converted version of the file.

ADOBE(Latest Version):

The Adobe Acrobat comes with an inbuilt PDF converter, but mostly people are comfortable in using it for writing purpose only.

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MS OFFICE (Latest Version):

MS Office particularly MS Business Office Suite is all that you need. It comes with an inbuilt OCR. With few simple steps, one can comfortably convert a PDF file into a Word file.

1)    After opening the PDF file, select “Microsoft Place of Work Document Picture Writer”

2)    Save the file with .mdi extension keeping the variety as “Microsoft Doc Imaging Structure”

3)    Using “Microsoft Business Office Imaging” program open saved the .mdi file.

4)    Copy the content and select “Despatched to Word”.

5)    The file now gets opened in Microsoft Phrase and one can now save it with a .doc extension.


OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is the most powerful converter available to us till date. We need to know some basic steps to use an OCR:

1)    Open the PDF in OCR software

2)    OCR starts its recognition process

3)    One can change and define new parameters for the doc file as once converted it cannot be changed


1)    A huge number of PDF pages can be converted in minutes

2)    Human Intervention for perfection is still required to define parameters like paragraphs, images &

It ends here, if you find this article which helped you to convert pdf to word or word to pdf file then please make sure to share it with your friends and leave a comment below.
