In this article, I would be sharing Facebook tricks for commenting, facebook trick name hack, and several more Facebook hacks that would make you super-cool among your network with these facebook tricks.

Facebook is the world’s best Social networking site, and on such a platform everyone tries to be cool to gain more popularity. Facebook hacks are too easy, on the other hand it makes your profile look cool with funky usernames and status styles etc. Most of the people don’t know about such cool Facebook tricks that you can perform on Facebook today.
Also Read: Download Instagram for PC/Laptop
So here we present to you some Facebook hack tricks that can be done.
Various Facebook Tricks
Let’s start with facebook status tricks.
Facebook Trick to Post Your Status Upside-Down.
Well this is funny and easy too.
For this there are many tools online like FlipText etc. or you may just type on Google “Facebook write upside down status” and the first two links may help you.
Write your status there and just copy paste the flipped ones on Facebook.
Trick to Post Blank status.
To do this;
First log-in and then in the Status update box type (don’t copy paste) @[0:0 ] and post.
Type multiple times for a large blank para.
Hide Facebook Status from annoying friends.
Well this will help girls a lot. So here’s the trick.
First, log-in to your Facebook account and find “What’s on your mind” dialogue box(that the first thing you may see).
Click on the padlock icon and select “customize” in the drop down menu.
Click “Hide from” and select the appropriate friends.
Facebook Trick to Schedule status updates.
For this there are many social media management tools. And the best part they are free.
- SocialOomph
- Sendible
- HootSuite
Facebook Username Tricks.
Change Facebook name after limit.
There is a limit that you can only change your username only once in two months.
So here’s a trick to overcome that.
Open Facebook and login to your account.
Now open the given URL and it will ask for a password.
It will show you some more tasks to perform.
After 3-4 steps choose your desired username and click continue.
Hide your last name.
Tricks related to Username are something most easy and cool to use.
For this you may need to access proxy servers/ websites or can use VPN software tricks.
First login to your Facebook account and go too account settings.
Change the language to Bahasa Indonesia.
You have to show Facebook that you are from Indonesia. For that just follow the link
Copy the proxy address and port (Some proxy may not work (can’t help that)).
Open Run and type “inetcpl.cpl” and hit enter.
A LAN setting dialogue box will appear, on that click on Connection Tab and click on LAN settings button.
Select the checkbox “Use Proxy Server for your LAN” and paste the prosy address and port which you got from the above link.
Click OK and now try to change your name and all your requirements.
And boom, Facebook has accepted your settings.
Facebook Cover picture and Photo tricks.
Join Cover pic and profile picture.
For this you will have to go to this site “Trickedoutimeline”
Choose the best quality image.
Scroll down and click merge photos.
Now just upload the file to your timeline.
Save your picture on your system
And you’re done.
Download all your Facebook Photos.
First of all it’s safe to sync all your photos to Google drive etc. etc.
There is much online software which you can use to download all your photos.
- Pick & Zip – from this site you can download all your photos, tagged photos etc. This will make a zip file or .pdf of your content.
- Move Your Photos – This is a Chrome browser extension makes you move to Google+ very easily, from there you can sync photos to Picasa or any other source.
- PhotoLive – Photolive is an browser extension. It allows you to download selected albums as a zip.
Knowing these smart Facebook tricks to hack Facebook will definitely make you feel cool, smart and popular among your other friends.