How I Got 25 Guest Posts Published With Ninja Outreach (In Just Two Months!)

Have you heard of a thing called guest posting?

I thought so.

Guest posting has been used by bloggers and businesses alike as a means of building traffic and relationships with influencers in their niche. [Read, how to select best niche]

My startup, NinjaOutreach, is not only a blogger outreach software, but it is also in need of getting the word out.

As a result, we’ve been focusing heavily on guest posting for the last two months.

And the neat part is, we’ve been managing the entire prospecting and outreach process in our own tool.


Here’s how it works.

Finding Guest Post Opportunities With NinjaOutreach

NinjaOutreach is a prospecting and outreach tool that takes a keyword and finds influential bloggers ranking for it.

To start, I might put in a keyword like “Guest Post By Brian Dean” (Brian is from


Why Brian Dean?

Personally, I like to follow in the footsteps of great bloggers because I know they have done their research. Whereever Brian guest posts, I want to guest post.

But in actuality I could have just as easily written something like internet marketing guest post.

Here are how some of the results will look like:



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Many of these results will be blogs, on which Brian guest posted himself!

Now let me highlight some of the metrics that make this tool stand out.

  • Contact information – Full Name, Contact URL, Email Address
  •  Authority Metrics – Alexa Rank, Page Rank, Klout Score
  • Engagement Metrics – Comments Per Post, Social Shares Per Post
  • Special Features – Guest Posts

In short, I have everything I need to ensure that the blogger has just the right level of engagement to make my guest post shine, and also that I have his contact information.

How long would it have taken me to collect these metrics on my own? Hours.

How long did it take me to get them in NinjaOutreach? Minutes.

Additionally, I can use the filter and the sorting capabilities to hone in on the best ones, and add them to lists for outreach.

Within no time, I have a list of hundreds of bloggers in my niche who I can reach out to.

Here is a video putting it all together.


BONUS – Ninja Outreach Lite – Free Chrome Extension

I get it – sometimes it’s nice to have something on the fly while you’re browsing.

Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.

We just released a 100% free chrome extension that is pretty neat and works wonders for guest posting, which we call Ninja Outreach Lite.

Once it’s installed, all you have to do is click the ninja icon in your browser, then you’ll see this:


There’s a ton of other information as well, such as traffic estimates, SEO, and social data to help you make an informed decision.

Additionally, we search the page for instances of guest posts or writers guidelines and show you what we find.

Now, every time you’re on a website, you can just pop open the extension and get all the information you need in one place!

Personalized Outreach With NinjaOutreach

So you’ve got your list of targets – now what?

Outreach, of course.

While you could take this over to your email client, you’ll notice that they aren’t really built for outreach at scale.

For example, they don’t integrate with custom fields.

So we’re going to continue our flow in NinjaOutreach, starting by drafting an effective outreach template.


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Here’s one I like to use:


Note some of the key features of an effective pitch:

  • Personalized to his name and website’s domain, as well as referencing an article he wrote for my target keywords “Blogger Outreach”
  • References to my past articles to build authority
  • Offer to provide a giveaway as an incentive

It probably looks like a lot of effort to produce something so customized, and while it is work, it’s not nearly as much as it may seem.

Here’s how it looks in NinjaOutreach before the custom fields are populated.

And this is how it appears when you’re ready to send an email.

Everytime I send an email, the next contact loads and their fields automatically populate saving me even more time.

If I want to add additional personalization on the fly, I have access to latest Tweets and an RSS feed.

Two Months – 25 Guest Posts

My partner Mark and I have been using this method for the last two months, and as a result we have managed to get 25 guest posts published.


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Not only has this sent traffic to our fledgling website, but it’s been critical in building relationships with influential bloggers that we can partner with down the line for webinars. In short, it’s been great for branding and we see a lot of long term benefits.

What do you think – how are you going about guest posting?

David Schneider 1/3rd of an exciting new marketing software called NinjaOutreach.  He blogs about entrepreneurship at SelfMadeBusinessman and tweets @ninjaoutreach

  1. yeah its nice to use a software however till we use just footpront for google search and get the related blogs where we can publish our guest posts. btw this sofware is also nice… let me check how it can help me 🙂

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